Feature Request to find old Feature Requests fr
AnsweredWhere did my feature request go about some Widget feature that was approved?
Was made about a few years ago and I wanted to see if it was added or not. If I'd only remember what exactly it was about… It was something very technical.
One of them was to be able to add Options inside of Custom Widgets, e.g. custom settings like presets of images with names or something or sound. Something like Variations, but that's only available for AlertBoxes
Found the old link: https://streamelements.helprace.com/i2896-add-a-new-field-type-called-variations-like-the-one-for-alertbox-for-custom-widgets
Hey Karl!
We no longer utilize Helprace, so apologies if the link is broken. BUT, our new Element Editor has a ton of options to customize alerts and widgets. Take a look at our Elements Editor here:
Here is the video specifically for Varients, which is what you were speaking on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlc1ORfMo3k&ab_channel=StreamElements
If you have any other questions, please let us know!
Mike DeQuatro
Community Manager0
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