The Dashboard displays the summary of all your stream activity.
It's also where you can find your bot settings.
With the top most bar of the main dashboard page, you can choose the time period you will be viewing. The different types of events are shown in the boxes below, and the graph will represent these numbers based on the tab chosen to be displayed.
Below the graphs is the Activity Feed, where you can filter events, replay alerts and mark notifications as read.
The right side shows whether or not the bot is present in your channel.
A will show if the bot isn't in the channel :(
In the image above, the bot is already in the channel, therefore our options are either to Part it from the channel, or Mute it. If it was muted, the button would show 'UNMUTE' instead.
You can also see and 'quick edit' your title and game category.
The Top Bar
Throughout your entire profile, the top bar will be available for easy navigation.
The left side of the top bar shows the stream indicator (Offline\Online) and the account you are currently connected to. If multiple accounts are linked to your StreamElements profile, you will be able to switch between them using the small arrow by your username.
The right side of the top bar shows several options.
The language selection dropdown shows the currently selected language on the right most side.
To the left, the 'SIGN OUT' button including the profile link, leading to your channels page.
The Import dropdown menu allowing you to import data into StreamElements.
Lastly, to the left most side, the Light\Dark mode toggle switch.
Also read:
How to set up Dashboard access